Friday, November 29, 2019
Poem The Beach Essays - Beach, , Term Papers
Poem: The Beach Ryan Hartney English 9 3/8/01 The Beach I have always liked the beach best Its fun in the sun for everyone You can have a picnic Or play in the ocean Or play games on the sand I love just watching and listening Hearing the waves come crashing down The display of colors in the sunset The best is at night Seeing the moon reflect of the dark water While listening to the waves come crashing down Surrounded by palm trees Feeling the breeze And the sand is not hot God I hate driving out of that beach parking lot Poetry Essays
Monday, November 25, 2019
The Safety and Efficacy of Creatine, Ephedra, and Anabolic-Steroid Precursors
The Safety and Efficacy of Creatine, Ephedra, and Anabolic-Steroid Precursors Free Online Research Papers This paper was used in a 200 level Health and Human Science course. The paper received an A. Review of: ââ¬Å"The Safety and Efficacy of Creatine, Ephedra, and Anabolic-Steroid Precursorsâ⬠The title of the reviewed article is ââ¬Å"The Safety and Efficacy of Creatine, Ephedra, and Anabolic-Steroid Precursorsâ⬠by Michael E. Powers, PhD, ATC, CSCS of Shenandoah University. This article is targeted to any athlete who is considering the use of a performance enhancing supplement. The article informs the reader of the three questions that one should always ask before taking a supplement: Is it legal? Is it safe? Does it work? The article proceeds to answer these questions for each supplement in the study. To begin the article Dr. Powers sets some guide lines for a good scientific study. He makes a strong point of why the term ââ¬Å"naturalâ⬠supplement should not imply in all cases. The studies conducted by manufactures often only involve young, healthy, athletic, individuals. This is not a good representation of the population that has the potential to consume these supplements and thus should be considered before taking. The theory behind creatine is similar to carbohydrate loading. Increased muscle creatine and phosphocreatine would enhance the capacity of the phosphagen energy system. This would then result in a greater resistance to fatigue, and improve performance. The author states that the efficacy of creatine as a performance enhancer remains inconclusive. However, in certain groups of people recovery times have been shown to decrease. The general conclusion from studies listed is that creatine has no negative short term or long term side effects. Ephedra is classifieds as a sympathomimetic alkaloid because it directly stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. Ingestion has failed to improve muscle strength, endurance, and power on its own. However studies that combine the ephedra with the caffeine have shown to significantly increase endurance in studies when placebos were used as the control. However, the side effects associated with ephedra can be quite serious. These side effects ranged from headaches, restlessness, tremors and palpitations to severe hypertension, seizures, and even stroke. DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone), Aââ¬â¢dione (androstenedione), and Aââ¬â¢diol (androstenediol) are androgenic hormones. Although they have very little androgenic activity on their own, they act as precursors to testosterone. High dosages of these supplements did show to increase the levels of testosterone levels and thus improving performance. However the side effects to these supplements are quite serious. Including liver dysfunction, cardiovascular disease, and suppressed testosterone production. The author makes a strong scientific argument to research the supplement you are thinking of consuming. The long term effects can be quite serious and the desired effects can often be marketing hype. Dr. Powers sites 73 different scientifically focused studies with every claim made and thus showing his scientific intent. Being that I tried a variety of supplements I think this article will further assist me in not being lost in the hype of a supplementââ¬â¢s marketing campaign. Also, in many cases the long term effects of supplements appear to have the exact opposite effect of good health. This will greatly effect my choices for the future. I had planned on supplementing my workout routine with creatine to assist in recovery and based on this article I see no reason to remove it from that plan. I have used creatine in the past and know that my body responds well. Overall I am happy to have reviewed this article and feel as though I have more insight on how different supplements work with or against the body. Research Papers on The Safety and Efficacy of Creatine, Ephedra, and Anabolic-Steroid PrecursorsEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenGenetic EngineeringRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanCapital PunishmentThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andResearch Process Part OnePersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyTrailblazing by Eric AndersonDefinition of Export Quotas
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Transcendentalism in Walden by Henry David Thoreau Research Paper
Transcendentalism in Walden by Henry David Thoreau - Research Paper Example ââ¬Å"What everybody echoes or in silence passes by as true to-day may turn out to be falsehood to-morrow, mere smoke of opinion, which some had trusted for a cloud that would sprinkle fertilizing rain on their fieldsâ⬠(Thoreau, 7). One of the basic princiAdvices may be given by adults to the youths however there is not much of credibility in them for their advice to be taken with such significance. People have different fates and experiences and no 2 different people will have the same circumstances brought up to them. Another principle of transcendentalism is that genuine change is derived from within the person himself and not from othersââ¬â¢ influence and it is not to please these people but to please the self. A change is not constituted by outside influence but more on taking in consideration a personââ¬â¢s thought on what the change would do for him rather than if it would please others.The author also did not exclude the word I in the context. Rather Thoreau use d the 1st person way of speaking rather than using the 3rd person which is usually being used by writers in voicing out the writerââ¬â¢s opinions and beliefs. The author contradicts the customary way of writing as he states:In most books, the I, or first person, is omitted; in this it will be retained; that, in respect to egotism, is the main difference. We commonly do not remember that it is, after all, always the first person speaking. I should not talk so much about myself if there were anybody else whom I knew as well.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
In depth analysis about article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5
In depth analysis about article - Essay Example The "instrumental view" implies that the right is important for the accomplishment of the deed but if it is not fulfilled, there is no moral issue. The "constraint view" obliges that the right be fulfilled without taking into account moral issues. Gasoline has to be purchased by the end user at the price it is being sold. The "goal view" differs as it is intrinsically important but it is not required. It is considered essential if the goal is to be completed, taking into account the infringement of other peoples fulfillment of their personal rights. The goal view encompasses moral accounting. Dual roles of rights exist where some rights may be intrinsically important and instrumentally valuable: the right to be free from hunger, the right to work. These imply the duality of the instrumental and goal view. The intrinsic value of a right is subjective and can be considered positive or negative. All moral assessments of a right must include the political, social and moral acceptation and consequences. Starvation is in relation to the structuring of property rights. In simplistic terms, the right to property is the right to food. Henry George said "Give the product to the producer". The Neoclassical theory does not take into account casual influences. The classical labor theory ignores internal conflicts; and the socio/psychological theory does not take into account the level of production. Starvation must take into account a system of encompassing all property right theories which encompasses also the positive and negative intrinsic moral values. One of the principle causes of famine is the lack of a legal system of property rights or entitlements. The entitlement approach is the "endowment" which includes man power, fields, factories, labor, etc.; and exchange entitlement mapping of production or trade (production and distribution channels). If the system does not produce enough food or the distribution of food is poorly managed famines
Monday, November 18, 2019
You are a health psychologist working in a smoking cessation Essay
You are a health psychologist working in a smoking cessation programme. You are asked to design a research project to promote non-smoking in a group of smokers - Essay Example ished by the National Statistics Online (UK, 2008) it is revealed that ââ¬Ëin 2006, 68 per cent of smokers who were asked said they wanted to give up; nine in ten mentioned at least one health related reason for doing soââ¬â¢. In accordance with the above, the expansion of smoking as a common daily activity for millions of people cannot be doubted. In fact, smoking has been closely related with all aspects of daily life. For this reason, in the above survey it has been found that ââ¬Ëin 2006, 59 per cent of smokers felt that it would be difficult to go without smoking for a whole dayââ¬â¢ (National Statistics Online, UK, 2008). Although the above statistics refer to Britain, it has to be noticed that smoking is not related with a particular country. In a similar survey conducted in USA it was revealed that in the specific country ââ¬Ëan estimatedà 25.9 million men (23.9 percent) andà 20.7 million women (18.1 percent) are smokersââ¬â¢ (National Health Interview S urvey (NHIS),à 2005, National Center for Health Statistics, in American Health Association, 2008). It is clear from the above statistics that smoking is a severe problem the expansion of which cannot be easily controlled. The specific problem has a series of consequences that are not limited to the damages of health but they can also take the form of the financial damage the person involved (cost of cigarettes ââ¬â cost of treatment for diseases developed because of smoking). For the countries around the world, smoking has been proved to be a severe problem leading to a continuous increase of the cases handled by the hospitals and other medical treatment providers internationally. As an example, for England the cost of medical treatment provided to smokers has been proved to be extremely high. In a relevant survey it has been found that ââ¬Ëin England, 364,000 patients are admitted to NHS hospitals each year due to diseases caused by smoking; this translates into 7,000 hosp ital admissions per week, or 1,000 day; for
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Domestic Violence Case Study Analysis Social Work Essay
Domestic Violence Case Study Analysis Social Work Essay Mrs. Chan lives with her husband and two children. The son and the daughter are aged 11 and 8 respectively. The couple has been married for 20 years. Mr. Chan runs a grocery store, and is the breadwinner of the whole family. Mrs. Chan is a housewife and responsible for taking care of the two children and housework. Both are in their mid-forties Summary of the information gathered Presenting problem and the aim of assessment Mrs. Chan came to sought help because of the alienation relationship between her husband and son. Furthermore, the domestic violent also be another issue because Mr. Chan abused the client frequently. The social worker carried out two interviews to gather specific information about the family. The aim was to realize the situation and raise an intervention plan to facilitate positive relationships of all family members. Problem assessment Clients perception of the problems During the several contacts with Mrs. Chan, she conveyed her view on the issues which exists in their family. The client expressed that she has two major concerns. One is she felt helpless when facing the domestic violence. The other is that she worried about her son would be negative influenced by her father and be hurt during family violence. She told the worker that she had been abused by her husband for several months starting from last year and tolerated the unfairness mistreatment for a long time. Sometimes, he even did the violent behavior in front of their children. And her husband ever threatened her with a knife. Mrs. Chan admitted that she felt feared. For her children, she decides to leave their family temporarily. The client mentioned that the reciprocal conversation between her husband and son is seldom. Even when they stay together there is rare communication. She did not know how to improve their relationship and was anxious to seek solutions to remedy this situation. She said to worker she has ever hear her son murmuring that he has hidden some weapons and may use them to attack his father. Besides, her sons performance in school is not as well as before. Therefore, she was solicitous about the conflict between two of them will more and more worsening which will bring about more negative effect on her son. Workers perception of the problems During the interviews with Mrs. Chan, the worker observed that the family functioning is unbalanced because of domestic violence. Domestic violence Family system theory focus on the interaction patterns within a family. It stressed that in each family, there exists a rule to confine each family members behavior. And the boundaries and communication patterns of each members are defined. (McCue, 1995). By adopting the theory, the worker found that Mr. Chan seems to view himself as the dominant role and authority in their family, once some family members do not obey his rules they will achieve punishment. And Mr. Chan use violence as a mean to restore Mrs. Chans position within the family. father-son relationship The worker found that the alienated relationship between the father and son mainly result from domestic violence. In this case, the boys father is the perpetrating party and his mother is a victim. The boy presented resentment and fear to his father, what his behavior, such as indifference and alienation represent his emotion. 3) Family communication As a result of domestic violence, the spousal relationship and parent-children relationship were both damaged. The mere family communication lead to family system lacks basic understanding and support. During the interview, the worker found that the distorted communication pattern and alienated relationships between family members are results of domestic violence. To Mrs. Chans son, his academic performance and mental health were both negative influenced by domestic violence. Agreed view of the client and the worker Mrs. Chan and the worker agreed that the foremost thing is to guarantee the safety of her and her two children. Staying in hostel can provide an opportunity to her calm down and make a decision whether leave or not. Based on the premise, a sound family relationship and a harmonious atmosphere would be constructed in the long run. Priorities of problems domestic violence and spousal relationship relationship between Mr. Chan and his son family communication and relationship among all family members Intervention phase Objectives Short -term: To alleviate the domestic violence in Mrs. Chans family and improve the relationship between the couple. To improve the relationship between Mr. Chan and his son Long-term: 1. To facilitate positive interaction pattern and create harmonious family atmosphere. Strategies and rationales shelter program Shelters have been gradually became a critical strategies for women and children who are preparing to escape violence. The shelter program can help abused women deal with current crisis and prepare to control their lives. ( McCue, 1995). At present, the foremost concern is the safety of Mrs. Chan and her children. Through shelter program, Mrs. Chan can calm down to consider the arrangements afterwards and make a rational decision for their future lives. Cognitive-behavioral approach The worker believes that a cognitive-behavioral approach for Mr. Chan would be effective to solve the whole family problem. The cognitive -behavior model stated that behavior is influenced by cognition: behavior will be modified by cognition. (Bonnet Williams, 2001). By cognitive-behavioral approach, Mr. Chan can indentify the situation which trigger his anger and learn how to control aggressive emotion with adaptive behavior. Mutual communication workshop Family members use verbal and nonverbal channels to convey messages. And the interaction and communication patterns play an important role in family relationship. (Hepworth, R. Rooney, G. Rooney, Strom-Gottfried, Larsen, 2010). For the purpose of improving the family relationship and ameliorating the communication pattern, some relevant activities would be arranged for them. The workshop includes organizing some domestic activities to alleviate the misunderstandings and facilitate reciprocal communication among family members. By this method, the family relationship will be more stable and harmonious. Parental skills training Marital conflict always related with ineffectiveness parenting, and children who suffer parental discord and uncaring parenting are prone to represent internalizing behaviors include anxiety, depression and externalizing behavior include aggressive and disobedience. (Papalia, Olds, Feldman, 2009). Through the training, the parental pattern of the couple can be improved, and their sons emotional and mental issues can be alleviated and be more preoccupation with schooling. Regular meeting with children Since the domestic violence impose a negative influence on the boy, a regular meeting with the child is compulsory. By the regularly meeting, workers can give out specific and pertinent suggestions and projects to help the child rebuild his confidence and expectation to the family, community as well as the society.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Romeo and Juliet: Act 1 Scene 5 is a Microcosm of the Entire Play Essay
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy about a pair of lovers, from two opposing families, fated to their death, Act 1 Scene 5 is a microcosm of the entire play, it contains a rollercoaster of emotions and many different themes such as love, hate and death but they are all expressed at their best in this part of the play. The build up to the scene creates tension and expectation for the audience. The prologue, said by the Chorus who have no character or emotion, gives the overall structure it tells the audience they will meet, fall in love and then die, it briefs them as to what is going to happen but does not let them in on too much information. From the start they are described as ââ¬Ëstar crossed loversââ¬â¢ that are fated to disaster. Romeo has a vision that a chain of events starting at the party will lead to his death, he says he feels like fortuneââ¬â¢s fool and whatever he does, itââ¬â¢s inevitable; he cannot escape or change fate. The overall information given in the prologue is not too much for the audience; it gives them a brief overview of the play but does not spoil it for them. In a way it makes them feel as if they are being let in on a little secret because they get a hint of what is going to happen, without learning too much. Shakespeare describes Romeo and Juliet as victims in love as if they are caught in a trap, and cannot escape. However, Brooke the original playwright presents them as fools in love, which gives a different message to the audience, it comes across to them that Romeo and Juliet know that they wonââ¬â¢t be accepted by either family but they still choose to love each other and everything that happens is their own fault. In the prologue, the quote ââ¬Ë A pair of star crossed lovers take their lifeââ¬â¢ tells you they a... ...y. This scene also appeals to the audience because it is a calm moment in an otherwise busy place, the party. In conclusion, Shakespeare makes this scene appeal to an audience by the build up to it, by the prologue telling you what happens and giving a brief summary, The range of action in it and the mood changes; from aggression with Tybalt to when Romeo and Juliet first lay their eyes on one another, Also, the use of language, Our pair of lovers talk in a religious form in the sonnet that they share to come across to the audience that they do have a good side and to make them seem more innocent. And finally, the character development, we learn more about the main characters in this scene than we do in any other, we get to see the different sides to them which changes the mood and why it makes it more appealing and keeps the audience entertained and interested.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Stress and how to reduce it
Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about dealing with stress effectively. Stress is defined as a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life or work. Stress is also a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened or upset your balance in some way. Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, nervous, or anxious. What makes people stress? There are many common causes of stress, such as major life changes, Jobless, relationship difficulties, financial problems,â⬠¦ c. In my opinion, stress is caused by the follwing reasons. Firstly, as we know that modern life is full of deadlines, and demands so you usually try to obtain everything. For example, in order to reach a higher position in career or to earn more and more money, you pay more hours in a day and more days in a week for work. The above demands and targets make you feel pressured. Secondly, life of modern people, especially life of thos e who live in big cities is built by a large number of plans and schedules.It is ery well if everything happens smoothly. But in fact, your arranged plans or schedules do not happen as what you expect. Therefore, you may immediatly fall into the status of stress. There are many ways to reduce stress. It depends on the manner that you choose. Firstly, let's start a new day in full of energy by a meditation exercise. Research suggests that daily meditation may alter the brain's neural pathways, making you more resilient to stress. A few minutes of practice per day can help ease anxiety. Secondly, let breathe deeply.Give yourself 5 ââ¬â minute break from whatever is bothering you and focus instead on your breathing . Thirdly, pause thinking about work in a few minutes, sit down and have breakfast with your tiny family or your collegues. Talking some funny stories to others is the great way to reduce stress. Finally, let you be in present. You rush through dinner, hurry to your next appointment, race to finish one more thing on your agenda. Now try something different: Slow down. Take 5 minutes and focus on only one behavior with awareness.Notice how the air feels on your face when you're walking and how your fit feels hitting the ground. Enjoy the texture and taste of each bite of food as you slowly chew. When you spend time in the moment and focus on your senses, step by step, you can feel the tension leave your body. Totally speaking, stress is not good for our life. the method of reducing stress is various. You should choose the ways which is suitable with you and make you feel leisured. Stress and how to reduce it.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Recall the President - Why You Cant Recall a President
Recall the President - Why You Can't Recall a President Having regretsà about your vote for president? Sorry. Theres no mulligan. The U.S. Constitution does not allow for the recall of a president outside of the impeachment process or removal of a commander-in-chief who is deemed to be unfit for office under the 25th Amendment. In fact, there are no political recall mechanisms available to voters at the federal level at all; voters cant recall members of Congress, either.à In at least 19 states they can, however, recall elected officials serving in state and local positions. Those states include Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin. That is not to say there has never been support for a recall process at the federal level. In fact, a U.S. senator from New Jersey proposed a constitutional amendment in 1951 that would have allowed voters to recall a president by holding a second election to undo the first. Congress never approved the measure, but the idea lives on. After the 2016 presidential election, some voters who may have had second thoughts or who were disappointed that Donald Trump lost the popular vote but still defeated Hillary Clinton tried to launch a petition to recall the billionaire real-estate developer. There is no way for voters to orchestrate a political recall of the president, not even Trump, who generated lots of controversy and had numerous conflicts of interest. There is no mechanism set forth in the U.S. Constitution that allows for the removal of a failing president save for impeachment, which is limited for instances of high crimes and misdemeanors and not simply the whims of voters or members of Congress.à Support For Recall of a President To give you some idea of how prevalent buyers remorse is in American politics, consider the case of President Barack Obama. Though he easily won a second term in the White House, many of those who helped elect him again in 2012 told pollsters a short time later they would support an effort to recall him if such a move were permitted. The survey, conducted by theà Harvard University Institute of Politics in late 2013, found a majority of young Americans (52 percent) would have voted to recall Obama at the time the poll was taken. Roughly the same portion of respondents also would have voted to recall every single member of Congress, including all 435 members of the House of Representatives. There are, of course, numerous online petitions that pop up from time to time calling on the removal of the president by means other than impeachment.à On the website Petition2Congress, for example, voters were asked to sign a petition to recall Obama before the end of his second term. One such petition to Congress states: If you do not act on impeachment proceedings on our current president and his administration, then we the people, respectfully demand a recall on President Barack Hussein Obama. We are dissatisfied with the anti-freedom, anti-constitutional, and the acts of treason implemented by this administration and also demand a full criminal investigation into Operation Fast Furious, Benghazi, the 900 excutive orders, the presidents own sequestration, and the sixteen trillion dollar national debt. On the site, there were efforts to recall Trump even before he was sworn into office.à The petition stated: Trump was right about one thing; this electionà wasà rigged, butà hesà the one who rigged it, much as fellow Republican Scott Walker did to winà hisà five terms in office.à à Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.à Trumps backing by Russia, Saudi Arabia, criminal hackers, and American terrorist groups compromise the very safety of the United States of America, and that of the citizens. We have the precedent, and whatever the outcome, we willà NEVERà recognize Donald J. Trump as our Commander-In-Chief. How theRecall of a President Would Work There have been several ideas floated for recalling a president; one would originate with the electorate and another would start with Congress and flow back to voters for approval.à In a document he calls the 21st Century Constitution, recall advocate Barry Krusch lays out plans for a National Recall, which would allow for the questionà ââ¬Å"Should the President be recalled?â⬠to be placed on the general election ballot if enough Americans get fed up with their president. If a majority of voters decide to recall the president under his plan, the vice president would take over. In the essayà When Presidents Become Weak, published in the 2010 bookà Profiles in Leadership: Historians on the Elusive Quality of Greatness edited byà Walter Isaacson, historianà Robert Dallek suggests a recall process that begins in the House and Senate. Writesà Dallek: ââ¬Å"The country needs to consider a constitutional amendment that would give voters the power to recall a failing president. Because political opponents would always be tempted to invoke the provisions of a recall procedure, it would need to be both difficult to exercise and a clear expression of the popular will.à The process should begin in Congress, where a recall procedure would need a 60 percent vote in both houses. This could be followed by a national referendum on whether all voters in the previous presidential election wished to remove the president and vice president and replace them with the Speaker of the House of Representatives and a vice president of that personââ¬â¢s choosing.â⬠Such an amendment, in fact, was proposed in 1951 by Republican U.S. Sen. Robert C. Hendrickson of New Jersey. The lawmaker sought approval for such an amendment after President Harry Truman firedà General Douglas MacArthur in the Korean War. Wroteà Hendrickson: ââ¬Å"This nation is faced in these times with such rapidly changing conditions and such critical decisions that we cannot afford to depend upon an Administration which had lost the confidence of the American peopleâ⬠¦Ã We have had ample evidence over the years that elected representatives, especially those with great power, can easily fall into the pitfall of believing that their will is more important than the will of the people.â⬠à Hendrickson concluded that ââ¬Å"impeachment has proved neither suitable nor desirable.â⬠à His solution would have allowed for a recall vote when two-thirds of the states felt the president had lost the support of citizens.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
How to Play the Improv Game Surprise Guests
How to Play the Improv Game Surprise Guests Guess whos coming to dinner? The Surprise Guest improv game is played by four people, with the assistance of the rest of the audience in suggesting amusing identities for the guests. Three performers will act out the roles of guests and a Host will try to guess what those roles are. This improv game can be used as a light-hearted drama exercise or a theatrical party activity. It works well in a classroom situation. It can also be used as a party game if your social circle includes those who enjoy improv activities. The three guests and the Host get to exercise their improv skills while the audience can enjoy their antics. The game takes less than 10 minutes to set up and perform, making it a fun ice-breaker activity for a group or party. Set up for Surprise Guests One person volunteers to play the Host role.The Host leaves the room.Three performers serve as the Surprise Guests.Each Surprise Guest asks the audience, Who am I? The audience comes up with a role for each of them to play.Asà with any improv game, encourage the audience to generate creative suggestions; the more outlandish the better. Examples Guest #1: An astronautà with a severe fear of heightsGuest #2: An over-worked and surly elf from Santas toy shopGuest #3: A drunken Queen Elizabeth The Rules Once the Guests have been established, the Host returns and the improv game begins. First, the Host pantomimes getting ready for the party, then Guest #1 knocks on the door. The Host lets him/her inside and they begin to interact. A new Guest will arrive in about 60à seconds so that in a very quick amount of time the Host will be interacting with three different guest characters. The Host wants to figure out the identity of each Guest. However, this isnt just a guessing game. The Guests should offer discreet clues that become more and more obvious as the improv game continues. The main point of the activity is to generate humor and to develop quirky, unusual characters. Have fun! And remember, this and any other explanation of an improv game is just a blueprint. Feel free to add your own style to make it work best for your drama classroom, theater troupe, or improv party. Tips You may need to prompt the audience to get good suggested roles for the guests. Use the three suggestions so they understand that the guests need to have a strong emotional element to their character. The game wont be as fun if they are simply impersonating a celebrity or acting out a typical profession. The combinations should be a little surprising or out-of-character. This will give the guests the best cues to play with and points they can hit for jokes and humor. The purpose is to have fun rather than to stump the host, so the zanier the combinations, the better.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Retailing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words
Retailing - Essay Example A significant segment of this retailing upheaval has taken place in the area of logistics where British retailers had taken over the supply chain, thereby, lessening the lead times from the manufacturing plant to the store. The grocery segment, particularly, possesses a stream-lined logistical system with investment into multiple distribution hubs and transport in order to provide with an increasing figure of super-stores. This logistical concept is now being confronted by the technological, environmental, and political transformations. The policy of government to reduce environmental harm, thereby, revitalizing town centres puts forward great challenges for logistics. As put forth by Clarke, the early stress on retailers along with store location activities offered to feign both the wider anatomy of the product channel and the stand of consumption in shaping retail transformation (Clarke, 1996). By the midst of the twentieth century, consumers had an associatively restrained option of stores and stocks for their major periodical shopping spree. Most of the market-places were inclusive of a choice that encompassed the conventional super-markets, convenience stores, and a deteriorating number of small neighbourhood food shops. Following that, during the 1970s, however, an out-and-out bash took place in the new types of retail formats. 1980 initiated the 'significantly differentiated' formats which were competent for the dollars of customers. This new choice was inclusive of hyper-marches, warehouse shops, super-combos, super-stores, and limited variety discount stores. Apparently, in the early 1980s, strategic and tactical positioning became critical matters for survival in the retail industry (Arnold et al, 1983). Here, we will discuss the challenges as put forth by the transformations that have taken place since the 1980s. Around a century ago, even as retailing was entirely different from what it is now, there were a number of big transformations of the twentieth century which were already there in their embryonic stage. For example, most of the products were named, if not 'branded' by the retailers, which gave rise to manufacturer branding. Also, retail operations experienced various novel technologies, chiefly in construction and transport, and had great impact on them. Moreover, international sourcing was previously being practiced in a restrained way, and city centres had started to embellish into major hubs of comparison retailing. Today, we know that the epoch is entirely business-oriented. In no time of the world history has it inhibited such a significant place for business as it is not comprised of, where it affords sufficient opportunity for the highest honours, for the most long-lasting fame, and for wealth and authority that has no limits. Retailing today, is an arena which is capable of a lluring the able ones and the ambitious who can practice their greatest talents. This
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Interprofessional Network Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Interprofessional Network - Case Study Example sional network based on the prevailing case study include from presiding judges, family court judges, court administrators, family court specialists, and program managers. Interpersonal associations among the responsible parties for the management of the family are significant (Knapp & Barnard, 1998). There is the value in regard to the professionalism being utilized in the description of the principles and values of the integrated family court as demonstrated by an individual regardless of whether the underlying member is a registered profession. The framework of the interprofessional network is mainly based on the evidence that is being interprofessional enhances profession specific identity. Development of the client-focused interprofessional network of the integrated family court mainly incorporated professional such as presiding judges, family court judges, court administrators, family court specialists, and program managers. The concept of an integrated Family Court system applies to numerous jurisdictions and possesses complexities in regard to executing of the procedures. Presiding judges in the integrated family courts serve the function of overseeing the whole process of the court proceeding (Knapp & Barnard, 1998). Moreover, the presiding judges ensure that there is fair trial for the family that would accomplish the jurisdictionââ¬â¢s unification of the family court. In contrast the standard judicial systemââ¬â¢s case management of such matters is mainly based on the adversarial system, which adjudicates specific discrete issues in preparation for the trial an approach that is criticized for not being responsive to the dynamics of families in crisis. The judicial system is normally criticized by underlying parents and attorneys, and in corresponding in numerous cases judges, for trying to squeeze the problems of families in crisis into the prevailing traditional adversarial models with all the rules of the civil and criminal courts. Moreover, there has
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